Originally published in April 2013 ... nice to see the national media is catching up with me about this idiot here in Tennessee
Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal, often mentioned as a 2016 Republican Presidential
candidate, recently said the Republicans needed to "stop being the stupid party." I hope
voters in our state's 7th Senate District up Knoxville way will take the Governor's advice
to heart and vote out Republican State Senator Stacey Campfield at the first opportunity.
Replacing Campfield will immediately reduce the level of dangerous ignorance in our
State Senate. At least his most recent example of stupidity has been rejected by his
fellow Republicans when they killed his proposal to punish public assistance families
with a 30% reduction in their benefits if their children did not perform well enough in
school, some of his colleagues referring to his proposal as "mean-spirited." Of course it
was mean-spirited, if for no other reason that it did not include Increasing benefits for the
families in question if their children had, say, a B average. Campfield offered only a
stick of punishment, with no mention of a carrot of reward. Campfield's idea had no
relevance toward improving academic performance by disadvantaged children.
Campfield also proposed that anyone on public assistance could only win a maximum of
$600 in the lottery. Apparently he was ignorant of the fact lottery tickets cannot be
bought with our tax dollars If he thinks less non-welfare money will be gambled by
reduced payoffs, he is even more ignorant. Free-market principle here Senator, ever
hear of the illegal numbers racket which will gladly take those dollars away from the
state. He obviously has no concept of effective public policy and is the "stupid"
candidate with "bizarre" ideas Governor Jindal says his party will do better without.
An outrageous display of Campfield's scientific ignorance are his statements on the
origin and transmission of the AIDS Virus. It does not serve us well to have in our state
senate a man so ignorant that he actually believes the AIDS Virus infected humans
because a man had sexual relations with a monkey. INCORRECT. The AIDS virus first
infected humans in Africa who ate "bushmeat," wild animals, already infected with
AIDS. In his efforts to imply that AIDS is mainly a homosexual problem, he is ignorant
enough to state the likelihood of heterosexual transmission of AIDS is only 1 in 5
MILLION. Senator Stupid is WRONG by a factor of 5,000, a massively failing grade.
Let's reduce His pay.
I AGREE we need to stop waste and unwise spending in our welfare programs. I am as
dismayed as anyone when I see a too-young single mother in the grocery line with two
toddlers, and she is buying potato chips, sugar loaded colas, and sugarbomb cereal with
that plastic card full of our money. I say bar-code items able to be purchased with our
money to meats, dairy (no ice cream), produce, canned veggies and fruits, baby foods,
dried beans, rice, oatmeal, bread,... you get the idea. Better health for hungry, innocent
children, and less public health costs later. We all should eat so wisely.
(more articles for your entertainment or irritation available in BLOG ARCHIVE near top right of this page.)
Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal, often mentioned as a 2016 Republican Presidential
candidate, recently said the Republicans needed to "stop being the stupid party." I hope
voters in our state's 7th Senate District up Knoxville way will take the Governor's advice
to heart and vote out Republican State Senator Stacey Campfield at the first opportunity.
Replacing Campfield will immediately reduce the level of dangerous ignorance in our
State Senate. At least his most recent example of stupidity has been rejected by his
fellow Republicans when they killed his proposal to punish public assistance families
with a 30% reduction in their benefits if their children did not perform well enough in
school, some of his colleagues referring to his proposal as "mean-spirited." Of course it
was mean-spirited, if for no other reason that it did not include Increasing benefits for the
families in question if their children had, say, a B average. Campfield offered only a
stick of punishment, with no mention of a carrot of reward. Campfield's idea had no
relevance toward improving academic performance by disadvantaged children.
Campfield also proposed that anyone on public assistance could only win a maximum of
$600 in the lottery. Apparently he was ignorant of the fact lottery tickets cannot be
bought with our tax dollars If he thinks less non-welfare money will be gambled by
reduced payoffs, he is even more ignorant. Free-market principle here Senator, ever
hear of the illegal numbers racket which will gladly take those dollars away from the
state. He obviously has no concept of effective public policy and is the "stupid"
candidate with "bizarre" ideas Governor Jindal says his party will do better without.
An outrageous display of Campfield's scientific ignorance are his statements on the
origin and transmission of the AIDS Virus. It does not serve us well to have in our state
senate a man so ignorant that he actually believes the AIDS Virus infected humans
because a man had sexual relations with a monkey. INCORRECT. The AIDS virus first
infected humans in Africa who ate "bushmeat," wild animals, already infected with
AIDS. In his efforts to imply that AIDS is mainly a homosexual problem, he is ignorant
enough to state the likelihood of heterosexual transmission of AIDS is only 1 in 5
MILLION. Senator Stupid is WRONG by a factor of 5,000, a massively failing grade.
Let's reduce His pay.
I AGREE we need to stop waste and unwise spending in our welfare programs. I am as
dismayed as anyone when I see a too-young single mother in the grocery line with two
toddlers, and she is buying potato chips, sugar loaded colas, and sugarbomb cereal with
that plastic card full of our money. I say bar-code items able to be purchased with our
money to meats, dairy (no ice cream), produce, canned veggies and fruits, baby foods,
dried beans, rice, oatmeal, bread,... you get the idea. Better health for hungry, innocent
children, and less public health costs later. We all should eat so wisely.
(more articles for your entertainment or irritation available in BLOG ARCHIVE near top right of this page.)