Friday, November 7, 2014


for pics, google .... "janis joplin nashville"

The concert, at the old Tennessee State Fairgrounds Coliseum in Nashville, December 16, 1969, headlined JANIS JOPLIN on her Kozmic Blues album tour with Rotary Connection with MINNIE RIPERTON as the opening act, and was promoted by Wired Dragon Efforts, Inc .

Back in 1969, I WAS the Wired Dragon .... well, that was the name I picked for the production company ...

But this concert almost did not happen.

I was first informed by her booking agency that they were not taking any more dates for her current tour. But they called back and told me that when Janis heard it was NASHVILLE, she instructed them to find a date and add it to the tour, she didn't care if it was the night before or after a scheduled date, she wanted to come to Nashville ... BECAUSE, if possible, she wanted to see if I could arrange for her to meet Skeeter Davis and Kris Kristofferson.  Kristofferson makes sense to most people because of "Me and Bobby McGee", but Skeeter Davis, the country music artist, was a big voiced female singer like Janis.  Skeeter did come, and it was hard to tell which one of them was more excited about meeting the other.  Kristofferson in those days was often in his regular booth at Melfi's, an Italian restaurant near Music Row, high on peyote buttons, thinking up that Rhodes Scholar grade poetry he turned into songs, but we were unable to find him there.   I was also more than pleased to book as the opening act from the same agency Rotary Connection with the great Minnie Riperton.   I liked the idea of a concert with women fronting both acts.

The Fairgrounds Coliseum was an old brick structure, configured like a big hockey rink with elevated permanent seats all around the sides and an open floor for rodeos, ice capade type shows, a circus, etc.   For concerts, one had to rent folding chairs to put on the main floor.  I had a stage set up at one end of the floor area, and behind it were three rented trailers to serve as dressing rooms... one for Janis, one for her band, and one for Rotary Connection and Minnie Riperton.

Many of my "hippie"  friends served as ushers and event staff, and were of invaluable help with a myriad of pre-concert tasks, which they all did for free, their only compensation was being part of the promotion and free admission to the concert.  I cannot remember whose idea it was, but I rented white high-collar Busboy jackets for them to wear at the show where they served as ushers, stage "security," and happy gofers backstage for Janis and the musicians.  The white jackets basically meant you had free run of the arena.  These jackets in their inappropriateness for a rock concert (in Nashville seen almost exclusively worn by young black males serving white folks) worked rather well in creating an ambience unusual for Nashville concerts at the time, especially since this concert featured two powerful female singers, one a flamboyant white hippie and the other a black diva.  We thought we were making a small statement with the white jackets since in Nashville they were traditionally a uniform of subservience for minorities but at the concert they were privileged personnel.  We were young, naive and idealistic.

I had the hottest DJ  in Nashville, the "Super Shan" Scott Shannon to be the MC; he came with the advertizing package for the concert on his station, WMAK.  Later in his broadcast career, he was a morning drive time institution in New York City, and a member of a broadcasters hall of fame.  He was dressed as what he thought was "hip" at the time, a flowery shirt, tight pants with a scarf tied above one knee.   He wanted to meet the artists of course, and be sure just how they wanted to be introduced.  We first went to Rotary Connection's trailer; when I opened the door a thick cloud of weed smoke billowed out as we stepped up into the trailer.

I could tell the band members were wanting to have some fun with this local DJ in the South trying to look cool, and one of the band members came up to Shannon with this joint the size of a Cuban cigar in his mouth and then held it out right in Shannon's face.  Now, in 1969 in Nashville, weed was a radical, dangerously illegal thing for most folks, and for a sense of the cultural times, Martin Luther King was dead less than eighteen months, there were still "White Only" signs on some public facilities, so a joint offered directly from the lips of a black man to a white man in the South was way outside the box in many ways for those days.

But old Shan did step up and took a short hit.  He tried to hand it back, but the guy said "C'mon man, you can do better than that, this is some righteous shit, man, hit it a good one."  Shannon did take another deeper hit and did not cough.  The black musician was right about the righteousness. These were Chicago-based musicians, they had been around, they just exuded oceans of "cool."

I do remember they told him they did not want any pompous intro ... just ... "from Chicago ... Rotary Connection" and no need to mention their record label ... real musicians usually despise record label execs and the business bullshit which consists primarily of cheating the creative artists.  I have no recollection of Minnie Riperton sharing in the "righteousness," perhaps to assure her vocal performance's integrity.  Riperton that night was indeed Amazing in her range and control, the band super tight.  Her flame of talent was extinguished by a fatal disease way too early (FYI, Riperton is SNL's alumna Maya Rudolph's mother).  They wowed the almost entirely white audience, many of which I am sure had never heard of them before that evening.  I remember feeling proud of my home town audience for the warm reception they gave her and her band.

Earlier in Janis's dressing trailer, she told me her famous chinchilla coat had been sent unsolicited to her by the Southern Comfort folks in appreciation for the huge increase in sales of their product which she had unintentionally made famous.   She giggled that infectious high pitched laugh when she told the story, picked up the coat and held it out to me and said "Just Feeeeel that motherfucker .. rub your face in it .... if it had a dick, I'd marry it" and her infectious giggle filled the trailer again.

I did NOT see Janis drink any alcohol nor consume any drugs before her set.  The only thing she would accept were UNopened cokes ... she said she could not take the chance someone might spike one with acid (do I need to say LSD?) or something before she had to perform.

The audience was still jazzed up from Riperton and Rotary Connection while the roadies set up for Janis's set, then the house lights went down, and after a few moments Shannon appeared in a tight spotlight center front stage, making the introduction. When he finished, the spot goes out, and he gets the hell out of the way as he had been instructed, and the band began laying down a funky beat.  Janis was crouched behind the amps, bouncing in a kind of squat position, like a sprinter getting ready to run ... then she opened a full pint of Southern Comfort and killed nearly half of it in one swig then chased it with some orange juice from a glass container she had brought herself.   She bounced up, out into the spotlight, and literally killed the audience of about 2,500 .... so much energy, so much brass, giving all of herself into her performance.

She would hit the Southern Comfort and OJ throughout the show.  As I am writing this, I am getting little chills remembering her nailing "Ball and Chain" and "Piece o' my Heart."  It was a very, very cool night musically in Nashville, and to my knowledge, the first time a San Francisco spawned rock act of Joplin's stature had been brought to the Music City.

Janis Joplin and Minnie Riperton on the same stage on the same night in Nashville in 1969, two icons who died too young .... it was special.

But, I was also a young and dumb kid then .... I did not think to have anyone take any pictures of me with Janis or the other performers.  I had also neglected to notify or offer passes to either of Nashville's two daily newspapers, or any of the TV stations, so the press coverage of the concert was minimal.  A lady reporter from the TENNESSEAN newspaper was at the airport when I met Janis, but her article stated she was surprised no promotion staff had met Janis.  I called her after the article was published and informed her I was right beside Janis and her road manager as she asked questions while we all walked through the concourse. She refused to write a correction, saying she thought I was one of the musicians because of my youth and long curly hair!

All and all, I was just stereotypically a young person, infatuated with being in the presence of true female rock icons, consumed by the exciting moment, with no idea what would be really valuable decades down the road. Perhaps it was amazing enough I had gotten the date, the venue, the stage erected with a tarp stretched tight over it, and UNION electricians to lay the drop boxes required for the stage equipment, got the proper array of UNION stage lighting and crews specified by the performance contracts, the dressing trailers delivered and hooked up to electricity, a couple of thousand folding chairs set up on the floor to correlate to the printed tickets and the permanent seats.  Thanks to all my hippie friends helping, the evening went off without a glitch.  This still amazes me, that essentially a bunch of kids pulled off this concert.

Sadly, the old Coliseum burned to the ground not long after this concert, and with it, my rock concert promoter dreams .... the venue was riculously cheap .... 250 dollars while at the same time the newer downtown Municipal Auditorium would take a significant percentage of the total gate while being guaranteed a fee in the thousands of dollars to be paid in advance.  And since this rock and roll stuff was considered so "dangerous," the Municipal Auditorium had a strict policy of everyone remaining in their seats which was vigorously enforced.  And I was told they would NOT ever book the Municipal Auditorium for The Doors or Sly and the Family Stone.   No such restrictions applied at the old Coliseum and the crowd quickly left their seats when Rotary Connection began to play and gathered close to the stage.   One could tell the performers liked this intimacy with the audience and it gave a special atmosphere to the evening not then common in the South.  Janis even invited one of my Busboys (who  happened to be the one who had offered her an opened Coke and was blonde and handsome) up onto the stage to dance with her.  The crowd went absolutely wild at this.  Maybe it was because they felt this superstar validated the hipness of this audience in a country music town by having a local onstage with her, however briefly, and it was something not seen in other Nashville venues.   Perhaps it is just as well the Coliseum burned .... had I gotten into that world big time, I might be dead now.

Since the flight for Janis and her band out of Nashville was a take-off the next day, most of the band members accepted our invitation to party at my hippie pad in an old house on Blair Avenue ... they were genuinely surprised the promoter asked them to party since apparently promoters tended to be more established and much older people than my young dumb ass.  Nashville was, and is, the capitol of redneck super-patriotic country music located on the Buckle of the Bible Belt, and it was the peak of the Viet Nam era and Civil Rights tensions, so I guess this mixed race band was pleasantly surprised by their treatment from the locals.

I was not personally at the band party at the beginning, because Janis's road manager invited me and my lady to accompany them back to the hotel bar club.  Imagine the ego-rush for this kid from Nashville, being invited out with Janis Joplin !!!  Just how fucking unbelievable was that ?!?!?!?

At the booth in the bar, I soon realized I was not with Janis Joplin, the rock icon, but Janis, the girl who had been disrespected in Port Athur, Texas .... the brassy confidence was no longer evident. Janis slammed screwdriver after screwdriver, and she constantly asked if the "kids" really liked her.   The talent which had just two hours before had dominated the stage and enthralled the audience was now replaced by an almost palpable personal insecurity.  The woman on stage who had been the sexual fantasy of so many young males in the audience was gone, replaced by someone who did not think of herself as desirable, but rather someone who knew she had imperfect skin, someone who had been ridiculed in her youth.  So, when less than a year later Janis was dead from an overdose, I was, sadly, not that surprised.  But I will always have my memories of My Night with Janis Joplin and Minnie Riperton, two stars whose light disappeared too early, one from a path of self-destruction, the other by a fatal disease.

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Thursday, July 24, 2014

Questions for THEIST Friends ...

To all the nice, intelligent folks out there, dear and valued Friends such as the Christian Left type of groups, and wonderful persons, some of whom I truly love, to all who happen to profess a belief in some higher power or deity or savior or prophet or afterlife:  please note the "YOU" and "WE" used below are not personal, but General ... as in a spirited discussion of the merits of females and males ... an individual is essentially One or the Other with well-established and discernible differences with the acknowledgment of individual variations, and no single person bears responsibilty for another's variations.  But such a discussion typically engenders strong and passionate views, so this is YOUR Warning to read no further if you feel you may be offended in a discussion of an issue as intense and personal in nature as Theism.  Your decision is respected; but the honor is Mine, even if only in the aspect of your tolerance, should the offering below receive your examination.  The thick of skin and/or great of heart may proceed.

You may know of the cartoon going around Facebook with the unwritten caption implying something like, "a woman voting Republican is like punching herself in the face."  You may also wonder why otherwise intelligent women (other than 5%ers who will vote to protect their wealth)  do indeed vote GOPer.  Perhaps you cannot understand why they would vote for the political party which consistently seeks to restrict the full personhood of women and LGBTs and deny them the experience of all the rights, privileges, and self-realization that full personhood implies?  Why do these people choose something so clearly contrary to their own best interests?
Those of us who have found no reason to devote any of our existence to deity-belief, etc. .. well, we kinda wonder the same thing about you theists ..... why would intelligent and otherwise decent human beings have a need to choose an unsubstantiated Belief over a direct experience of Reality?

We do not understand why you have not transcended Theism like other pleasant imaginings such as the Easter Bunny, Santa Claus, and the Tooth Fairy which at least do not have an undeniable history of violence, physical and intellectual, against those who do not believe in them.  And why do you choose to adhere to a belief tradition which has always been on the wrong side of the progress of science?  Why do you make excuses, perform apologetic contortions for a cosmic metaphor which is so obviously flawed, its divinely inspired books so ambiguous with vastly varying interpretations, and has so blatantly failed to manifest its professed ideals?  How do you find value in a belief whose adherents since the Hebrews slaughtered the inhabitants of Canaan has allowed, encouraged, and often commanded its adherents to do unspeakable violence to non-adherents?   How do you dismiss centuries of facts in order to feel good about a deity/savior/prophet in whose names so many atrocities have been committed?  Have some of You also postulated a convenient Evil One to explain the failures of your deity?  Or Is it your fear of death is so profoundly disturbing you must take comfort in an imaginary deity which promises an afterlife?
We just do not get it ..... but do not worry, We will not go all Theist religious-history on You, round you up, burn some of you at the stake, seize your lands, or blow up your country, because, you see, We really do have a form of "faith" ... a reasoned faith based upon Our experiences that intelligent people have come across information or liberating epiphanies which enabled them to take the training wheels off their cosmic-viewing bicycles.  We do not understand why you are afraid to ride your life's bicycle all by yourself without some imaginary hand steadying your balance.
Now before some of you may go tut-tut, feeling that my phrasing is too snarky or condescending, I ask how could You say that of My viewpoint? ....... BECAUSE .... 
It is the Theists who assert the existence of some deity which WE, otherwise intelligent and decent human beings, CANNOT perceive.  How much more condescending can one be than to assert an ULTIMATE COSMIC REALITY which We are unable to experience due to what necessarily must be some ignorance, insensitivity, lack of faith, or other deficiency which renders US incapable of seeing what YOU can see?    And the beliefs of many, many monotheists  consign US to a horrible eternal suffering for our inability to see what You see.

So ? YOU are able to see this idealized Cosmic Reality which WE cannot?  Oh, REALLY ???
Cannot YOU see how to US, that is actually what is truly a condescending position which has no evidence or facts to back it up..

But PLEASE Understand ....WE do not seek to only take some pleasant, comforting belief away from You .... We are just asking you to remove the veil you have chosen to wear which obscures your view of a greater reality.  We wish for YOU to realize that You, unlike a caterpillar, have complete control of When you can change into something which can escape the limitations of crawling on branches to Flying around in a world more wonderful and filled with nectars you never imagined when you were clinging to a branch.   Your Wings are ready, whenever you realize you have them.  FLY !!!  Fly, let go of the branch, Fly in the warmth of unveiled Light and taste the nectars of a grander universe.

As the description of this little blog says "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, does NOT go away ... gods go away, gravity does not."   Don't be afraid to try knowing instead of believing .... clean your windows of perception, and I assure you, the universe You will see is a more marvelous and precious experience without the limitations of imaginary friends  .... go ahead ... You Can do it ... pedal your cosmic-viewing bicycle all by yourself ... it is a much, much better ride .... you can do it ... there is no need to be afraid ... perhaps you might take comfort in the awareness that "In their Ultimate Essence, all things are ONE, and that Oneness is the Supreme Reality."

Oh, and when your body, an amazing though Most Temporary coalescence of stardust, ceases to function, the "you," the-once-in-the-history-of-the-universe self-aware-energy generated by that stardust, simply returns to what it was before "you" were born ...."you" are again part of the undifferentiated and therefore pure essence of the Cosmos,... "you" are no longer separated by your body and petty ego-centered consciousness from the Ground Being of Reality ... "you" again resonate with the cosmic chord of the music of the celestial spheres..... "you" are once again ONE with all that ever was or will be ... "   That is not so scary, is it?  And WE would ask YOU  "what more could you want?"

Realizing language is inherently incapable of expressing the Transcendent as experienced by humans, I would attempt to describe what We offer You in place of a limiting theism as a "Spiritual" Realism ..... a perspective which may allow one to experience an awe of blissful self-awareness of being an integerated part of the Cosmos .... being what you really are in what really exists.

(more articles for your entertainment or irritation available in BLOG ARCHIVE near top right of this page.)

Wednesday, July 16, 2014


Among those knowledgeable on the subject, few things arouse more passionate and reasoned arguments than the Designated Hitter rule in Baseball.  The pro and con camps are well-defined, and no quarter is asked nor given.  That the DH eliminates much of a Manager's strategic decision-making is unquestioned. The American League has decided  the sport needs more offense to entertain the fans; for many, watching a pitcher hit is as exciting as watching paint dry, hence the DH in the AL and in the AL parks during the World Series.  The current World Series situation, to me, seems to give a distinct advantage to the National League which is used to playing without the DH but gets an additional regular hitter in the AL parks.

Historically, the DH position has been filled by power-hitters, either aging and past their prime as an everyday player OR a hitter who is a definite liability in the field.  My solution will change this situation and place value on players with complete baseball skills, especially those capable of fielding more than one position, and actually create MORE managerial options in game strategy and pitching staff management.

Under my Solution, any person with enough baseball knowledge to be able to "watch" a game from the Managers' perspectives will easily think of many, many possible new game situation managerial options, decisions, and strategies.

****  Expand the roster by three players, which my Solution will likely dictate to be complete players. The players union should love this, and the teams will likely not be paying them the huge money big-boppers usually command.

****  The DH must always bat in the traditional pitcher's slot ... ninth.

****  Here is the big one ....... If the Manager makes a pitching change, he also must change the DH on the lineup card at the time of the pitching change, even if the starting DH has not yet had an at-bat.  This only applies to the first pitching change in an inning.  If there are multiple pitching changes in any inning, there is only the one DH change in that inning. The new DH must be a player from the bench (or a roster catcher from the bullpen; pitchers are not eligible to DH with one exception to be explained below).  A new DH must stay in the game for at least one at-bat, regardless of any other pitching changes by his team made before his time to bat comes up UNLESS the other team makes a pitching change in which case the manager may pinch hit for the DH or replace him with a new DH.  (This provision is a disincentive to the manager to insert as DH an injured player, or a player he intends to give the day off, when the DH turn at bat is several hitters away and then make a DH change before the next DH at-bat.)

****  At the time of the pitcher/DH change, the Manager can make a switch by having the current DH take a position in the field  (this places value on players who can also play multiple positions in the field).  If the DH at the time of an inning's first pitching change is not placed in the field, he is done for the game as is any position player the DH might replace unless the manager makes a double-switch involving the player whose position the DH takes.

****  Players who are currently playing a position in the field are not eligible to switch to DH.

****  After a third DH change has been made because of a pitching change by his team, that DH may remain in the game regardless of the number of subsequent pitching changes by his team (this provision prevents compulsory exhaustion of the bench by pitching changes.)  If the fourth DH must leave the game because of injury or a pinch hitter, he may be replaced by a bench or bullpen regular player for the remainder of the game, or if regular position players have been exhausted, this is the only time a pitcher from the bullpen may DH.

My Solution gives more opportunities for truly versatile baseball players and creates many more decisions for Managers. The baseball world is welcome to apply my Solution to a Great American Controversy, and if they do, I only ask that it be known as the Swain Solution.   LOL. 

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Friday, July 4, 2014

a JULY 4th Note to Ammosexuals, Gunworshippers, Bible Abusing, Teabagging Rightwingnuts

 .......July 4, Independence Day, our nation's "birthday," (acutally the United States of America was not created until the ratification of the Constitution and inaugaration of Geo Washington as its first president some 13 years later to replace the Articles of Confederation which had proven completely unworkable with its emphasis on states' rights), nevertheless it is the date we observe as the of the signing of the Declaration of Independence which was an INTELLECTUAL achievement of political theory and human rights, NOT one brought about by the direct force of arms. And in the armed conflict which followed, the Colonies could never have been successful against the professional armies and mercenaries of Great Britain without the significant help of the FRENCH, who provided arms, uniforms, military advisors, and naval and troop support .... it was the support of the FRENCH of the regular Continental Army and NOT the mythologized Minute Men which was the difference in the Revolutionary War.
In the most significant battle in the South, COWPENS, the citizen militiamen under command of Gen. Morgan of the regular Continental forces were so distrusted for their lack of courage under direct fire from the British and their highly disciplined advance in attack (as were most militia units fighting with Continental Army regulars) that Gen. Morgan positioned the militia in front of the regular Continentals who were intentionally backed up against a river so the militia could NOT break ranks and retreat from the field of battle. It is a complete myth that privately armed citizens in any way lead the Continental forces to victory. The Colonies achieved their independence from Great Britain NOT because of the Minute Men and militias but because the regular Continental Army had significant support from the French. Without the French navy trapping Cornwallis at Yorktown, preventing the British navy from evacuating the British troops, and FRENCH troops under Comte deRochambeau supporting Washington's Continentals, the Colonials would not have won.
The notion that armed citizenry and not regular soldiers organized into traditional armies was the crucial factor in the Revolutionary War is a MYTH, at best a historical romanticization, and in today's climate of NRA ammosexuals, at worst a complete LIE or at best an expression of the most Profound Historical Ignorance which should embarrass anyone who utters it and offend anyone who hears it .. . and now that you have read this, if you ever assert that an armed citizenry EVER protected, much less liberated the people from British governmental tyranny in any meaningful long-term fashion, you are indeed nothing but a LIAR since you can no longer hide behind a wall of ignorance.

(more articles for your entertainment or irritation available in BLOG ARCHIVE near top right of this page.)

Thursday, July 3, 2014


(the following is a section of an article in this blog April archive on the right .... CRITERIA)

a first step in the reduction of gun Violence in the USA is to address and bring into public disrepute the culture of GUN WORSHIP ... and a place to begin is the NRA crowd's deliberate misrepresentation of the 2nd Amendment which they propose to revere and protect (worship).  We MUST take the serious discussion of the 2nd Amendment away from those who would distort it for their own profit whether it be monetary, social, or political.

GUN WORSHIP ... includes the ludicrous and erroneous notion that the possession and love of firearms is an expression of genuine patriotism and the implication that anyone who does not also worship at the altar of gun ownership is less patriotic (btw, I own guns).  Anyone who believes that our personal freedoms now, or throughout our history, have been achieved or preserved through personal decisions about the use of firearms is, in the most literal sense of the word, Ignorant.  (The issue of privately held arms being an effective element in the Revolutionary War against the British can be found in the article ... a JULY 4th NOTE to AMMOSEXUALS in this blog archive)   Apparently, they do not, or refuse to understand basic English grammar and the meaning of conditional clauses.  
The  2nd Amendment: 

Article [II]

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
"the right of the people to keep and bear arms" is NOT an absolute stand alone statement or completely independent clause.  This clause is CONDITIONED grammatically by our very literate Founders' intent through the  clauses "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State..."  What part of "well regulated Militia" do they not understand?

An accurate reading of this language could be made crystal clear with the printed addition of just one word ... a word not printed because its meaning was implicit in the Founding Fathers' literacy ..... that one little word is ..."BECAUSE a well regulated Militia is necessary to the security of a free State .." etc.  It does NOT say, nor did the founders intend it to mean "any bozo has an absolute right to have all the automatic, semi-automatic, mega-magazine capacity, rocket launchers, etc, that he can afford and to parade around with them in public as if today's society has devolved into the old Wild West where everyone has semi-automatic weapons."

The right of the people to keep and bear arms was for the purpose of citizens of being called up into a well regulated Militia to DEFEND the free State, not to take up arms AGAINST the legitimate state.  Today, this function for the states is by and large performed by the various state National Guard units, and our National Security against foreign enemies is guaranteed by the Federal Government's armed forces which are the best and most expensive in the history of the world.

But at the time of the ratification of our Constitution, the Federal Government did not have the wherewithal to equip and maintain a large enough standing army and navy to defend the frontiers against foreign enemies, much less stock large arsenals in frontier regions which could be seized by an invading force.  Therefore, the well regulated Militia for the protection of a free state would be armed by the privately held weapons of the citizens.  The purpose of protecting the right of the people to keep and bear arms is clearly for the people to be able to serve in the well regulated Militia and NOT for some idiot to defy the legitimately constituted authority of our local, state and Federal Governments .... and to say otherwise is wrong, if not outright stupid.   And you do not want to live in a country where average armed citizens can defy the legitimate government, and if you do, move to  the regions of Africa or other Third World places where there really is no local civil order maintained by the government.

(more articles for your entertainment or irritation available in BLOG ARCHIVE near top right of this page.)

Tuesday, July 1, 2014


(section of a longer post on this blog .... CRITERIA

HOMOPHOBIA ...  In today's political climate, the most virulent, hateful public rhetoric is put forward on this issue, usually buttressed by a fundamentalist religious viewpoint.  These haters need to get over it.   Somewhere between 5-10% of all human beings have always been gay or bisexual. Gay people are buried in our veterans cemetery at Normandy, in every national cemetery, have been some of our greatest artists, scientists, philosophers, politicians ... EVERYTHING !!!
To deny gays any rights whatsoever which heterosexuals enjoy is the real abomination.

(more articles for your entertainment or irritation available in BLOG ARCHIVE near top right of this page.)

Sunday, June 29, 2014


(segment of longer post on this blog April archive .... CRITERIA)

HOSTILITY to REAL SCIENCE ...  A rejection of the conclusions of the overwhelming number of scientists about the true nature of the physical universe, and an appalling ignorance of the self-correcting methodology of genuine scientific disciplines.  The notions of literal Genesis style Creation or so-called Intelligent Design do NOT qualify as a valid descriptions of the physical universe, they are not science and are a disservice to the moral teachings of the scriptures cited.   They are purely religious viewpoints which I will defend the right of persons to hold as a matter of religious freedom, but they are not science upon which any public policy should be based, from which textbooks should be used to funding for scientific research.  The denial of human consumption of fossil fuels being a contributor to the Fact of climate change is an incredibly dangerous current hostility to real science.
       I find any person is too ignorant for public office who does not know that our Earth is not flat, the Earth is not the center of the universe, that our Earth is a 4 billion year old planet, a fragile blue marble in a cosmically sweet spot orbit around the Sun, which itself is a minor Star among at least 100 Billion other stars in the Galaxy we call the Milky Way, which  is only one of over 100 Billion other galaxies in the observable Universe detected by the technology currently available, that all these Galaxies are moving away from one another at tremendous speeds because all of this originated from a incredibly dense singularity which underwent a sudden, violent expansion, a Big Bang some 13.8 Billion years ago, and that life on our Earth arrived at its present state through the process of Evolution by natural selection over immense periods of time.  What existed before the Big Bang, science in its current state makes no assertions.

(more articles for your entertainment or irritation available in BLOG ARCHIVE near top right of this page.)

Tuesday, June 17, 2014


For your pleasure, I have coined the term below .....  use it often and with vigor.

‪#‎mooncheeser‬ ...‪#‎mooncheesers‬ ... intentionally mocking and derisive term for all science deniers throughout history and today ... from flat-earthers, to the earth is the center of the universe, to the earth is only 6000 years old creationists, to climate change deniers, etc. etc. etc. because their positions have as much scientific validity as declaring the moon is made of cheese.

(more articles for your entertainment or irritation available in BLOG ARCHIVE near top right of this page.)

Monday, May 5, 2014


 Originally published in April 2013 ... nice to see the national media is catching up with me about this idiot here in Tennessee

    Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal, often mentioned as a 2016 Republican Presidential
candidate, recently said the Republicans needed to "stop being the stupid party."   I hope
voters in our state's 7th Senate District up Knoxville way will take the Governor's advice
to heart and vote out Republican State Senator Stacey Campfield at the first opportunity. 
Replacing Campfield will immediately reduce the level of dangerous ignorance in our
State Senate.  At least his most recent example of stupidity has been rejected by his
fellow Republicans when they killed his proposal to punish public assistance families
with a 30% reduction in their benefits if their children did not perform well enough in
school, some of his colleagues referring to his proposal as "mean-spirited." Of course it
was mean-spirited, if for no other reason that it did not include Increasing benefits for the
families in question if their children had, say, a B average.   Campfield offered only a
stick of punishment, with no mention of a carrot of reward.   Campfield's idea had no
relevance toward improving academic performance by disadvantaged children. 
Campfield also proposed that anyone on public assistance could only win a maximum of
$600 in the lottery.   Apparently he was ignorant of the fact lottery tickets cannot be
bought with our tax dollars  If he thinks less non-welfare money will be gambled by
reduced payoffs, he is even more ignorant.   Free-market principle here Senator, ever
hear of the illegal numbers racket which will gladly take those dollars away from the
state.  He obviously has no concept of effective public policy and is the "stupid"
candidate with "bizarre" ideas Governor Jindal says his party will do better without.

An outrageous display of Campfield's scientific ignorance are his statements on the
origin and transmission of the AIDS Virus.  It does not serve us well to have in our state
senate a man so ignorant that he actually believes the AIDS Virus infected humans
because a man had sexual relations with a monkey.  INCORRECT.  The AIDS virus first
infected humans in Africa who ate "bushmeat," wild animals, already infected with
AIDS.  In his efforts to imply that AIDS is mainly a homosexual problem, he is ignorant
enough to state the likelihood of heterosexual transmission of AIDS is only 1 in 5
MILLION. Senator Stupid is WRONG by a factor of 5,000, a massively failing grade.
Let's reduce His pay.

I AGREE we need to stop waste and unwise spending in our welfare programs.   I am as
dismayed as anyone when I see a too-young single mother in the grocery line with two
toddlers, and she is buying potato chips, sugar loaded colas, and sugarbomb cereal with
that plastic card full of our money.  I say bar-code items able to be purchased with our
money to meats, dairy (no ice cream), produce, canned veggies and fruits, baby foods,
dried beans, rice, oatmeal, bread,... you get the idea.  Better health for hungry, innocent
children, and less public health costs later.  We all should eat so wisely.

(more articles for your entertainment or irritation available in BLOG ARCHIVE near top right of this page.)

Saturday, May 3, 2014



(originally published in the old Nashville City Paper early 2000s)

When I hear bad economic news about those multiscreen theater corporations, it makes me happy. My apologies to those who may lose their jobs, but I detest those multiscreen monstrosities. 

Multiplexes provide about as much atmosphere for the experience of cinematic art as a fast-food restaurant does for a five-star haute cuisine dinner. But that may be appropriate because much of what is now on the screen is more like fast food than fine dining since special effects and superfluous violence, sex and profanity now masquerade as character development, plot and dialog. 

I miss the big four on Church Street in Nashville: the Tennessee with its sweeping staircase, the old Lowe’s with draped box seats, the balconies of the Paramount and the curved screen of the Crescent for the cinerama that never caught on. Even after the house lights went down, you still knew in which unique architectural entity you were sitting. These theaters had style. Now they are extinct in Nashville, but I understand a few survive elsewhere. 

Ah, the good ole days. Where are my rose-tinted glasses? The siren's song of nostalgia is playing in my ear...wafting across the oceans of times past.

Oops! I almost forgot. That siren's song is a deceiver. It is a sweet lullaby of partial truths, making us ignore the rocks of jagged reality beneath the surface which will wreck our ships of precious memories. Lest we drown in the murky sea of self-delusion, we must be like Ulysses and lash ourselves to the mast of accuracy so we may resist the temptation of the siren’s enticement to convenient memory. OK, I’m ready now. 

I attended Morny Elementary School in the days before teacher-lead organized prayer was banned. It was closed recently (sadly, it is now a vandalized shell), but I remember the unquestioned order in the classrooms and the after-school functions that most of the parents attended. The teachers were dedicated and given the respect they deserved; they were far more to us than mere pawns in a political fiscal debate. 

One of the best teachers I ever had, taught the fourth and fifth grades in the same room, about 60 kids in all. Amazing, isn’t it? She taught; we learned. She began every day by reading Bible stories to us. Looking back, it all seems rather idyllic. 

Except for the rocks lurking beneath the surface. 

I remember a sad show-and-tell day in this superb teacher’s class. One girl’s family performed gospel music, and she brought a 45-rpm record they had made in one of those small vanity studios. But she was not allowed to play it for the class. In this teacher’s opinion, religious music was not supposed to have any instrumental accompaniment. The girl did not cry; it was worse than that. Her body quivered, and her lips trembled as she fought back the tears. Seeing this girl’s pride in her family’s devotional music crushed into embarrassment made it clear to me why religious opinions and public schools do not mix. 

I also remember my school did not need the “White Only” signs on the restroom doors like the public facilities downtown. Black children were not allowed in my school. Jim Crow segregation will forever be a shameful stain on my beloved South. 

It saddens me beyond measure that Jim Crow sentiments still darken the hearts of some people. 

You’ve had the misfortune of being around people like that, haven’t you? They make statements that are not overtly racist, but you know where they are coming from. They are the same people who make snide remarks about the MLK Jr. holiday. They despise affirmative action. And the predominance of black athletes galls them because in the world of sports the only
qualification is ability. Sports are a true meritocracy.  It must be hard for them, being white in a society controlled by whites and yet still being so insecure. I don’t know whether pity or anger is the appropriate response to their bigotry. 

It is equally disheartening to me that much of the music of a black generation never oppressed by institutional Jim Crow is dominated by hip-hop "gangsta" rap and its association with street gangs and urban violence. If this music seeks to dissuade from violence through an ultra-stark realism, it has failed. 

But I cannot grasp why black musicians also produced so many MTV images of their women as nothing more than booty-shaking sex toys with no regard for the fuel it gives those who are predisposed to negative stereotypes of black people. I cannot believe these degrading images of black women created by black men were part of the dream of Martin Luther King Jr.  Most certainly, irresponsible fatherhood by several women was NOT part of Dr. King's dream. 

Nor do I believe Dr. King’s dream even remotely considered a form of street slang — so-called ebonics — being accommodated as a separate language in the classroom. Part of Dr. King’s legacy is his struggle to gain equal access to quality classrooms for black children so that they could learn to command standard English language skills that slavery and Jim Crow sought to deny their ancestors. 

At Joelton High School, I was privileged to have several exceptional women as teachers. The freshmen English teacher had a master’s degree from the University of Chicago; she also taught French and Latin. The two ladies who taught Algebra and English were also extraordinary. 

Since rural Joelton High was not a premier teaching assignment, I often wondered how this little school had such qualified women on its faculty. I found the answer among the rocks under the surface. When these women were maturing, few career opportunities were open to women outside of teaching and nursing. Who knows what those women could have achieved with the opportunities available to women today? Their students’ good fortune was due to the repression of half our society’s talent. 

The cost of being seduced by the siren song of nostalgia is living in self-inflicted ignorance of the ugly aspects of the past. So please remember the old adage, “Those who do not remember the past are condemned …… .”
Thirty years from now, I wonder what lullabies of partial truths will be in the siren's song of nostalgia about these times.

(more articles for your entertainment or irritation available in BLOG ARCHIVE near top right of this page.) 

Monday, April 21, 2014



   I will soon complete my 66th orbit around the sun as a self-aware sentient being on this fragile planet of ours, so in technical terms, I have been an old geezer for a few years.   And my ancestors, if they could, and all those older than I who are still alive, would shake their heads with a knowing chuckle if they could hear me say the vivid memories of my boyhood companion, Kim the Collie, even how he smelled wet with rain, seem like they occurred only yesterday .... yes, it all does really seem like yesterday, but most of my yesterdays are now decades in the past.  I have accumulated sixty plus years of experiences and experience. There is a vast difference beyond the letter “s” in those two words, and those of you who are old enough with experience understand it.

     Like all those who have gone before me, I do have more than a few regrets.  The one which has come most often to mind lately is that I wish I had paid more attention to the things my Daddy and all my elders tried to tell me, too much of which  I ignored with the willful blindness of arrogant self-centered 
youth.  By the way, your "youth" lasts into your forties, so do not make the error of thinking the first gray hair means you have enough experience to be truly wise.  There is a great difference between knowledge and wisdom .... wisdom is the application of knowledge acquired with a life-overview, and is unlikely to be attained until the decades remaining in your life are far fewer than those decades already lived.  This is why it is a great compliment to be told one is "truly wise beyond your years."  

      I regret not fully taking advantage of the greatest treasure trove of wisdom available to me, all of us, and that is the wisdom of those with many years of life lived.  In our youth we crave experiences, doing things, seeing things, and are infatuated with the new and modern, whether it is cars, clothes, a love interest, music, or the latest technology.  And all too often we do not pay attention to the advice of our elders for no other reason than they do not like the latest fashions or appreciate the same music, and are therefore old-fashioned and do not understand the "real" world.  But in our youthful ignorance we are  totally unaware that the  fashions and music of our parents and grandparents were just as different from their elders as ours was from theirs, and that they too regretted not paying attention to those who tried to advise them about the real issues of life which are common to us all despite differences in politics, religion, or ethnicity.   Sadly, "Common Sense" is indeed uncommon, a rare gem seldom seen, that is why its value is beyond measure.  And when we ignore it, we impoverish ourselves and those we love.

     The best advice we receive in life is often that which we do not want to hear because it goes against our craving for certain experiences at that moment.  But when we do pay attention, incorporate it into the way we relate to our world, even trivial experiences can be transmuted into valuable experience about real life, and realizing the difference between the trivial and truly important is the foundation of wisdom.  I miss my Daddy, and I wish I had just one more opportunity to thank him for all he tried to teach me.  Had I listened, really listened, if only for a small part of the time, I would now be much the wiser for it.

So ...Listen up ..... here comes some of the best advice from an old geezer you will ever get:

........ PAY ATTENTION ... pay attention when someone older than you, especially someone who has nothing to personally gain, cares enough about you to try to tell you something about Life, and pay especially close attention to that advice if your first reaction is to disregard it ............ PAY ATTENTION .... chew on that advice for a while .... and if you do ingest it into your world view, your essential being may be nourished more than your imagination could have predicted.

(more articles for your entertainment or irritation available in BLOG ARCHIVE near top right of this page.)


Tuesday, April 15, 2014


Over Six Decades of My Observations resulted in these CRITERIA 

American Heritage Dictionary: cri-te-ri-a (plural of criterion, Greek origin) Standards, rules, or tests on which  judgments or decisions can be based.

By application of the following criteria, I can quickly eliminate a person from consideration for public office, and often from me even attempting to engage them in a serious conversation.  At this stage of my life, my "they-are-not-worth-my-time-Radar" is pretty damn sensitive and accurate.  If a person is speaking or acting with their true voice, it often takes only a matter of seconds for some of these criteria to be applied.

Some are fairly obvious

RACISM ...  The vile racist is quickly detected by most of us.  But I also have a big problem with those who profess to personally not be racist, but also talk about racism being a thing of the past, that racism no longer requires any consideration in public policy.  If these people had to spend one week as a black person in America, they would rapidly be disabused of their ignorance.  Since there is virtually no real voter fraud, people voting as someone they are not, Voter suppression by ID statutes is essentially racist, a blatant attempt to hold down the African-American vote because it usually goes over 90% Democratic.

SEXISM ... The spate of sexist laws enacted by several state legislatures proves sexism is alive and well, infused with great political energy as the War on Women.  The Hobby Lobby SCOTUS decision is literally a supreme example.  Anyone who has political or religious beliefs which allow them to think women do not have the right of complete control over their own bodies and deserve equal pay is definitely too ignorant or mean-spirited to be in public office.

HOMOPHOBIA ...  In today's political climate, the most virulent, hateful public rhetoric is put forward on this issue, usually buttressed by a fundamentalist religious viewpoint.  These haters need to get over it.   Somewhere between 5-10% of all human beings have always been gay or bisexual. Gay people are buried in our veterans cemetery at Normandy, in every national cemetery, have been some of our greatest artists, scientists, philosophers, politicians ... EVERYTHING !!!
To deny gays any rights whatsoever which heterosexuals enjoy is the real abomination.

BIGOTRY ...  based on national origin, ethnicity, language, religious preference, etc.
The small-mindedness of these types of bigots is something which should only be a memory of our distant past, as should the three criteria above.  Religious bigotry is the persecution of those who profess a different belief system, often employing the apparatus of the state by law or use of arms, the latter responsible for millions of deaths throughout history down to the current day. ... essentially a brand of "racism" where religious beliefs are substituted for skin color.  I would point out that challenging a person's religious belief system on its philosophical, rational, or scientific merits is not bigotry any more than challenging their political beliefs.

HOSTILITY to REAL SCIENCE ...  A rejection of the conclusions of the overwhelming number of scientists about the true nature of the physical universe, and an appalling ignorance of the self-correcting methodology of genuine scientific disciplines.  The notions of literal Genesis style Creation or so-called Intelligent Design do NOT qualify as a valid descriptions of the physical universe, they are not science and are a disservice to the moral teachings of the scriptures cited.   They are purely religious viewpoints which I will defend the right of persons to hold as a matter of religious freedom, but they are not science upon which any public policy should be based, from which textbooks should be used to funding for scientific research.  The denial of human consumption of fossil fuels being a contributor to the Fact of climate change is an incredibly dangerous current hostility to real science.
       I find any person is too ignorant for public office who does not know that our Earth is not flat, the Earth is not the center of the universe, that our Earth is a 4 billion year old planet, a fragile blue marble in a cosmically sweet spot orbit around the Sun, which itself is a minor Star among at least 100 Billion other stars in the Galaxy we call the Milky Way, which  is only one of over 100 Billion other galaxies in the observable Universe detected by the technology currently available, that all these Galaxies are moving away from one another at tremendous speeds because all of this originated from a incredibly dense singularity which underwent a sudden, violent expansion, a Big Bang some 13.8 Billion years ago, and that life on our Earth arrived at its present state through the process of Evolution by natural selection over immense periods of time.  What existed before the Big Bang, science in its current state makes no assertions.

SUPPLY-SIDE ECONOMICS ... anyone who adheres to this "trickle-down" theory of economics is living in a fantasy and not the real world of experience and observation since there is no evidence of it ever working.  The reality is it concentrates  more wealth in the hands of the top 5% ... and it does not trickle down which is a main reason for the increasing income inequality in our country.

GUN WORSHIP ... includes the ludicrous and erroneous notion that love of firearms is an expression of genuine patriotism and the implication that anyone who does not also worship at the altar of gun ownership is less patriotic (btw, I own guns).  Anyone who believes that our personal freedoms now, or throughout our history, have been achieved or preserved through personal decisions about the use of firearms is, in the most literal sense of the word, Ignorant.   Apparently, they do not, or refuse to understand basic English grammar and the meaning of conditional clauses.  The  2nd Amendment: 

Article [II]

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
"the right of the people to keep and bear arms" is NOT an absolute stand alone statement or completely independent clause.  It is CONDITIONED grammatically by our very literate Founders' intent through the  clauses "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State..."  What part of "well regulated Militia" do they not understand?  An accurate alternative phrasing of this language could be ..."BECAUSE a well regulated Militia is necessary to the security of a free State .." etc.  It does NOT say, nor did the founders intend it to mean "any bozo has an absolute right to have all the automatic, semi-automatic, mega-magazine capacity, rocket launchers, etc, that he can afford and to parade around with them in public as if today's society has devolved into the old Wild West."   The right of the people to keep and bear arms was for the purpose of citizens of being called up into a well regulated Militia to DEFEND the free State, not to take up arms AGAINST the state.  Today, this function for the states is by and large performed by the various state National Guard units, and our National Security against foreign enemies is guaranteed by the Federal Government's armed forces which are the best in the history of the world.   But at the time of the ratification of our Constitution, the Federal Government did not have the wherewithal to equip a large enough army and navy to defend the frontiers against foreign enemies, much less stock large arsenals in frontier regions which could be seized by an invading force.  Therefore, the well regulated Militia for the protection of a free state would be armed by the privately held weapons of the citizens.  The purpose of protecting the right of the people to keep and bear arms is clearly for the people to be able to serve in the well regulated Militia and NOT for some idiot to defy the legitimately constituted authority of our state and Federal Governments .... and to say otherwise is wrong, if not outright stupid.   And you do not want to live in a country where average citizens can defy the legitimate government, and if you do, move to  the regions of Africa or other Third World places where there really is no local civil order maintained by the government.

(more articles for your entertainment or irritation available in BLOG ARCHIVE near top right of this page.)

Monday, April 7, 2014



     What would you do if ........I told you the American and Canadian Pediatric Societies report that your children and grandchildren 12 years old and younger who over-consume "Brand X"  are likely to have serious problems.
     Problems which independent researchers have identified "Brand X" causing such as decreased ability in decision-making, attention deficit, impaired learning, decreased self-control and increase in tantrums, obesity, sleep deprivation causing poor school performance, depression, decreased concentration and memory, behavioral problems, addiction, and aggression ?  Do any of the children in your family show evidence of these problems to any degree?

     And if "Brand X" were a certain kind of, say, cereal, would you continue to allow your children to consume as much of it as they wanted even though it may be permanently damaging their young developing brains?  Do you think it is responsible behavior for anyone to continue to allow their family's children 12 years old and younger unrestricted consumption of this product ?  

     Now, what are you going to do when I tell you "Brand X" is not drugs like meth, heroin, crack cocaine, alcohol, or pain pills, but actually the hand-held technology of smart phones, tablets, electronic games, and computer video games ?

     Readers of my articles in other forums know my long-held negative opinions about these devices.  But now, there is more and more scientific research confirming much of what I have previously written.  And YES, I am cashing in a big "I-told-you-so," but I can take no real satisfaction in doing so because the consequences for our children are so dire.

     If you think I am just full of it, take the time to google/bing:
 ""  ... read for yourself and check out the source documentation for the article.   I am sure as more time passes and there are more and more children who are overexposed to this technology at young ages, there will be many more scientific studies coming to many of the same conclusions....  these devices are literally dumbing-down our youngsters and contributing to their behavior problems and poor school performance. 

     WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO ABOUT IT ???   You CAN do something about it because your youngsters cannot overexpose themselves to these risks without YOU allowing it to happen because YOU are paying for it.  Would you buy your children as much meth, heroin, cocaine, crack, or alcohol as they can consume ???  Of course not.   Then, why would you provide them with the unfettered opportunity to overexpose themselves to something that is permanently damaging their young brains in their development and learning capability ???   

And frankly, I don't give a damn if I have made some of you feel guilty or resentful of me preaching at you.   Every generation's children are literally our future, and there is no greater parental or moral responsibility than to not expose our children to unnecessary dangers we can prevent, and to willingly pay for that exposure to such dangers is ridiculous, irresponsible, and immoral.  We have seen the downside for society from part of three generations who have become addicted to welfare ... what do you think our society is going to be like when we have three generations with less than normal brain development ???   And it is not some misguided or abused government program causing the latter, it is we as individuals, and many of us are willingly paying for it to happen.

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