Friday, July 4, 2014

a JULY 4th Note to Ammosexuals, Gunworshippers, Bible Abusing, Teabagging Rightwingnuts

 .......July 4, Independence Day, our nation's "birthday," (acutally the United States of America was not created until the ratification of the Constitution and inaugaration of Geo Washington as its first president some 13 years later to replace the Articles of Confederation which had proven completely unworkable with its emphasis on states' rights), nevertheless it is the date we observe as the of the signing of the Declaration of Independence which was an INTELLECTUAL achievement of political theory and human rights, NOT one brought about by the direct force of arms. And in the armed conflict which followed, the Colonies could never have been successful against the professional armies and mercenaries of Great Britain without the significant help of the FRENCH, who provided arms, uniforms, military advisors, and naval and troop support .... it was the support of the FRENCH of the regular Continental Army and NOT the mythologized Minute Men which was the difference in the Revolutionary War.
In the most significant battle in the South, COWPENS, the citizen militiamen under command of Gen. Morgan of the regular Continental forces were so distrusted for their lack of courage under direct fire from the British and their highly disciplined advance in attack (as were most militia units fighting with Continental Army regulars) that Gen. Morgan positioned the militia in front of the regular Continentals who were intentionally backed up against a river so the militia could NOT break ranks and retreat from the field of battle. It is a complete myth that privately armed citizens in any way lead the Continental forces to victory. The Colonies achieved their independence from Great Britain NOT because of the Minute Men and militias but because the regular Continental Army had significant support from the French. Without the French navy trapping Cornwallis at Yorktown, preventing the British navy from evacuating the British troops, and FRENCH troops under Comte deRochambeau supporting Washington's Continentals, the Colonials would not have won.
The notion that armed citizenry and not regular soldiers organized into traditional armies was the crucial factor in the Revolutionary War is a MYTH, at best a historical romanticization, and in today's climate of NRA ammosexuals, at worst a complete LIE or at best an expression of the most Profound Historical Ignorance which should embarrass anyone who utters it and offend anyone who hears it .. . and now that you have read this, if you ever assert that an armed citizenry EVER protected, much less liberated the people from British governmental tyranny in any meaningful long-term fashion, you are indeed nothing but a LIAR since you can no longer hide behind a wall of ignorance.

(more articles for your entertainment or irritation available in BLOG ARCHIVE near top right of this page.)

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