What would you do if ........I told you the American and Canadian Pediatric Societies report that your children and grandchildren 12 years old and younger who over-consume "Brand X" are likely to have serious problems.
Problems which independent researchers have identified "Brand X" causing such as decreased ability in decision-making, attention deficit, impaired learning, decreased self-control and increase in tantrums, obesity, sleep deprivation causing poor school performance, depression, decreased concentration and memory, behavioral problems, addiction, and aggression ? Do any of the children in your family show evidence of these problems to any degree?
And if "Brand X" were a certain kind of, say, cereal, would you continue to allow your children to consume as much of it as they wanted even though it may be permanently damaging their young developing brains? Do you think it is responsible behavior for anyone to continue to allow their family's children 12 years old and younger unrestricted consumption of this product ?
Now, what are you going to do when I tell you "Brand X" is not drugs like meth, heroin, crack cocaine, alcohol, or pain pills, but actually the hand-held technology of smart phones, tablets, electronic games, and computer video games ?
Readers of my articles in other forums know my long-held negative opinions about these devices. But now, there is more and more scientific research confirming much of what I have previously written. And YES, I am cashing in a big "I-told-you-so," but I can take no real satisfaction in doing so because the consequences for our children are so dire.
If you think I am just full of it, take the time to google/bing:
"huffingtonpost.com/cris-rowan/10-reasons" ... read for yourself and check out the source documentation for the article. I am sure as more time passes and there are more and more children who are overexposed to this technology at young ages, there will be many more scientific studies coming to many of the same conclusions.... these devices are literally dumbing-down our youngsters and contributing to their behavior problems and poor school performance.
WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO ABOUT IT ??? You CAN do something about it because your youngsters cannot overexpose themselves to these risks without YOU allowing it to happen because YOU are paying for it. Would you buy your children as much meth, heroin, cocaine, crack, or alcohol as they can consume ??? Of course not. Then, why would you provide them with the unfettered opportunity to overexpose themselves to something that is permanently damaging their young brains in their development and learning capability ???
And frankly, I don't give a damn if I have made some of you feel guilty or resentful of me preaching at you. Every generation's children are literally our future, and there is no greater parental or moral responsibility than to not expose our children to unnecessary dangers we can prevent, and to willingly pay for that exposure to such dangers is ridiculous, irresponsible, and immoral. We have seen the downside for society from part of three generations who have become addicted to welfare ... what do you think our society is going to be like when we have three generations with less than normal brain development ??? And it is not some misguided or abused government program causing the latter, it is we as individuals, and many of us are willingly paying for it to happen.
(more articles for your entertainment or irritation available in BLOG ARCHIVE near top right of this page.)
(more articles for your entertainment or irritation available in BLOG ARCHIVE near top right of this page.)
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ReplyDeleteThere are clear guidelines about screen time for children. Under 2 years old is zero.
ReplyDeleteThe root of the problem is the same as why parents feed their kids crap food from McDonalds and prepared foods from a box instead of cooking real food. Any why they let kids eat in front of a TV instead of at a dinner table. It feels easier in the shortterm. When your kid is screaming and wanting to play monopoly for the 10th time and you just need to finish paying bills or doing your taxes it is way easier to hand them an ipad than it was to do things earlier in a timely fashion so you didn't have get them our of your hair to finish the task at the deadline. and then of course there are those lazy parents who give the kid the ipad while they surf facebook or watch dribble TV as well. The immediate appeal is easy to see from a parenting standpoint, but how to create a culture with different values is a really hard question. now it is ipads, but it was TVs when i was growing up. not at home. but at granny and pap-paps. that is all i ever remember them doing for fun; heck, they even went to sleep with the TV on which is TERRIBLE for your brain and sleep. that was what they offered us for entertainment when we there exclusively. so the problem is not really new, it is just presenting in a slightly smaller sized medium that is more available and common. it is a real problem.